Running Shoes For High Arches

My feet have always been labor intensive. When I first learned to walk, our family doctor advised my mother that my high arches were a problem. This led to many years of tears over black patent leather Mary Janes and later penny loafers. Instead of these pretty and popular shoes, my feet were forced into leather lace up shoes with design features appealing only to women over 90 who were legally blind to boot. Thus, shoes were a source of shame and humiliation long before my feet ever started bothering me.

As a woman, you will probably be lighter than a man of the same height, which means the cushioning in the soles of your running shoes needs to be less dense to produce bounce back. Bounce back is the springy effect of the shoe when you apply pressure to the sole with your foot and release during normal running motion. Men weigh more so the sole needs to be denser to account for their weight. To ensure maximum bounce back, look for shoes that have been designed specially for women, with a lower-density sole. You Might Also Like Find Your Foot Type

People with high, stiff arches are probably more susceptible to bony injuries on the outside of their foot, ankle, and leg, while people with flat and flexible arches are more likely to get soft tissue injuries and problems on the inside of their lower body. While low-arched runners seem to get a better bargain, don’t forget that Achilles injuries , muscle strains, or other soft tissue problems can be just as disruptive as a stress fracture or stress reaction Hope this makes sense but does anybody have any ideas? Going to a foot doctor isnt an option right now. College funds wont permit it for a few months.

Feet come in all shapes and sizes. Long or short, chubby or skinny, pointy or flat. When it comes to runners, the arch is one of the key parts about the feet to be aware of. Both high and low arches can be problematic for runners, but high arches pose a special risk of causing problems elsewhere in the body. Of course, your foot is just one part of t he complex ballet of motions that is running. For a truly complete analysis of your gait , contact our friends at the iRun store in Miami.

Treatment for the high arch foot depends on what is going on. With muscle weakness or balance issues a person really needs to see a podiatrist. If it is generalized foot pain they seek relief for a soft orthotic or change in shoes can be helpful. If calluses are present it is usually due to too much pressure in the area. Lotion, callus trimming and a good arch support are worth a try. What to expect at Dr’s Office If you are seeking a business opportunity in Singapore that will give you attractive profit margins, happy customers and high job satisfaction, call us now to find out more.

Women’s Shoes – Wearing high heels with a narrow toe box causes deformities like corns and hammer toes, knee pain, bunions, and lower back pain. An ideal women’s shoe is one that has a square, wide toe box with a heel that is lower than two inches. If you must wear higher heels, choose a shoe with a platform under the toe box to decrease the overall stress on the foot pad. Midsole – The material that sits between the top area of the shoe and the outer sole is the midsole. Soft material should be used for the midsole to provide shock absorption.

High arch shoes are those with a significant cushioning and flexibility. Shoes for under pronators need to have a soft mid sole, which can absorb shock. High arch support shoes should have at least a medial or arch side support. For runners who are under pronators, the high arch shoes are necessary to rectify the pronation and help them run fast and efficiently and with minimum injuries. A very important thing while choosing high arch running shoes required to be flexible is that the forefeet of people having arched feet are rigid. The shoe’s flexibility makes up for the rigidness of the foot.

Posted May 30, 2014 by annabellperia in Uncategorized